What We Fund

What do funds raised by MPAEF support?  Dozens of critical programs at our schools including:

  • 33 credentialed teachers in art, science, music, and PE, as well as a librarian at every school site. Many California schools do not have specialists trained in these fields teaching their students

  • A long-term investment in hiring high quality teachers and supporting them with ongoing professional development

  • 40 middle school electives to choose from like music, photography, coding, robotics, world language, engineering, and social and emotional learning

  • Cutting-edge STEM curriculum avaialble for all students

  • 12 psychologists and counselors plus a district-wide mental health & wellness lead to provide a mental health safety net at every school

  • Jeanie Ritchie Grants, open for every teacher to apply and access additional funds in the classroom to test out innovative new ideas

Your donations make a difference in the exceptional educational experience of every child at Encinal, Laurel, Oak Knoll and Hillview!  Supporting the Foundation enables excellence in our schools.