Donate to the Endowment
Thank you for your interest in donating to the MPAEF Endowment for Excellence in Teaching. Established in 2003, the Endowment for Excellence in Teaching is designed to be a permanent, self-sustaining fund that will ensure continued support for MPCSD’s commitment to being an influential leader in K-8 education. Investing in teacher professional development is proven to ensure our teachers are effective in the classroom. Through funding from the MPAEF Endowment for Excellence in Teaching, professional development opportunities are sustained year-over-year and help to foster 21st century teaching in our schools.
CLICK HERE to learn more about the Endowment for Excellence in Teaching.
Are you interested in making your donation a Tribute Gift? Honorees receive a personalized letter informing them of your donation on their behalf and will be listed on the Endowment Donor Roll. When filling out the online donation form below, list your tribute gift in the form field provided.
Three easy ways to complete your donation to MPAEF Endowment for Excellence in Teaching:
Credit Card or PayPal
Please fill out the online form below and click the “Donate Now” button.
Check / Donor Advised Funds
Please make checks payable to
“Menlo Park-Atherton Education Foundation”
(Tax ID#94-287-1701) and mail to:
PO Box 584, Menlo Park, CA 94026.
Stock Donations
If you are interested in donating stock, please contact